Installation Instructions

Prerequisites: Have an RDS database set up to use application.

Create Instance Profile

  • Getting to IAM

    • In top right corner, click My Account then click AWS Management Console from the drop down

    • Under Services click IAM

  • Creating a Policy

  • Click Policies in the sidebar

  • Click Create Policy

  • Click the JSON tab and replace “Statement: []” with the text at the following locations:

    • Under the JSON Policy link in the tab on the left

  • Click Review Policy

  • Name the policy mycrt

  • Click Create Policy

  • Creating a Role

  • Click on Roles in the sidebar

  • Click Create role

  • Under AWS service click EC2

  • Click EC2 under use case

  • Click Next

  • Search for the mycrt policy created in the steps above

  • Click Next

  • Name the role mycrt

  • Click Create role

Create Security Group

  • Under Services click EC2

  • Click Security Group in the sidebar

  • Click Create Security Group

  • Give the security group an appropriate name

  • Under Inbound rules, create and add rules that allow you to connect via SSH (port 22) for CLI tool and HTTP (port 80, 8080) for web GUI.

  • Create security group

Create EC2 Instance

  • Under services click EC2

  • Click Instances in the sidebar

  • Click launch instance

  • (We’d recommend selecting Free tier only checkbox)

    • Step 1

      • Select Amazon Linux AMI 2017.09.1 64-bit

    • Step 2

      • Select t2.micro instance type

    • Step 3

      • Assign IAM Role now or by following instructions below

    • Step 4 & 5

      • Leave defaults

    • Step 6

      • Attach your security group or create new one here.

  • Review and Launch instance

Attach Instance Profile to Existing EC2

  • Under Services click EC2

  • Click Instances in the sidebar

  • Right-click the instance the program will run on and under Instance Settings click Attach/Replace IAM Role

    • You can attach an IAM role when creating the EC2 instance in Step 3

  • Attach the mycrt IAM role

  • Apply changes

Attach Security Group to Existing EC2

  • Under Services click EC2

  • Click Instances in the sidebar

  • Right-click the instance the program will run on and under Networking click Change Security Groups

    • You can attach a security group when creating the EC2 instance in Step 3

  • Attach the security group created above

  • Apply changes

Downloading the Application

  • Download the application here

  • Connect to your EC2 instance

    • Transfer local file onto your EC2 instance

      • You can use the following command

        • > scp -i [path to EC2 key pair] [path to JAR] [ec2-user@publicDNS]:~/data/

      • Ex.> scp -i ~/Desktop/amazon.pem /Downloads/MyCRT-0.1.0.jar

      • ~/Desktop/amazon.pem refers to your key pairs for your EC2 instance

      • refers to your EC2 instance

Setting Up Environment Variables On EC2

  • SSH into your EC2

  • Apply Updates

    • > sudo yum update

  • Install Java JDK

    • > sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

    • > JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk"

    • > export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Using the Application

  • Run JAR

    • java -jar /jarfilelocation

  • Use MyCRT

    • Open Browser

    • http://*Use Your EC2 IPv4 Public IP*:8080/

Last updated